Pee Whiz™
was created by the owners of a pet waste
removal company searching for an effective, earth
friendly solution to removing pet stains and odors.
When we were disappointed time and again by products
claiming to remove pet urine odor and stains we
decided to create our own. In Pee Whiz™
we found a
dream solution, not only is it 100% natural, but it
also is powerful enough to work on an industrial
level. When we tackle a stain or odor for our
customers we only will use the best, so we created
the best with Pee Whiz™.

Pee Whiz™
is a not only a wonderful solution for your
pet, it can also be used for any human stain or
smell. Mothers know how difficult night time
accidents can be to remove, Pee Whiz™
will take care
of those bedwetting accidents, leaving clothes,
sheets and mattresses clean and odor free. Anyone
can have an accident and with Pee Whiz’s™
enzymes and light, delicate fragrance you can remove
any trace that the accident ever happened. Pee Whiz™
works on any protein based material, meaning not
only urine, but also feces, vomit, blood, you name
it Pee Wiz can remove it, naturally and effectively.

Pee Whiz™
is an all natural, plant based solution
which has proven effective in helping lawns recover
from yellow spotting. Yellow spotting on your lawn
is caused by pet bodily fluids, whether your own or
your neighbors and the enzyme’s in Pee Whiz’s™
solution remove those fluids, helping your lawn
recover form those yellow eyesores and looking the
best it ever has. Pet Urine Stain Remover
Cleaner and Odor Remover FAQ